Playing is Learning

A Christian Saint

The Lucadev Newsletter
June 17th, 2015


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
A walk into a church, mostly catholic, is fraught of interesting architecture. This is commonly found in the ancient church building though some modern churches have also embraced the ancient architecture fused with modernity. What you will not miss is the stained glasses mostly jewel-colored with a depiction of different people in medieval garb. The people are both sexes some with objects in their hands and all symbolize something.
In most cases, the sanctuary will have two statues; one will be of a man holding a baby (Jesus) and another of a woman holding a plate with two eyes. There might be a kneeling girl in front of the grotto and a nun holding a monstrance, these are on cards. As the questions run in your mind faster than the answers are coming in, you cannot fail to wonder what these symbols mean and which saints the symbolism depicts.
Over the years, the Christian fraternity has come to learn how to depict past saints in a standardized manner that relies on specific occurrences in their lives as well as death. The representation of the saints is meant to celebrate the lives of the saints and what they stood or fought for. Initially, the portraits and symbols were used to help the illiterate as well as the literate to easily recognize a scene and connect it to the lifetime of a particular saint.
Orthodox images will most likely have inscriptions indicating the Saints’ names while some of the saints that are well known can easily be recognized by their facial appearance such as Saint Peter, and Saint John the evangelist. There are many saints with each one of them standing for a particular attribute that they were known for. The saints’ symbolism has become an acceptable way to present the lives and times of past saints and Christians can easily recognize and explain what the symbolism stands for.

Can you Identify this saint?

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