Playing is Learning

The Parts of the Human Brain

The Lucadev Newsletter
December 23rd, 2014


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
Men indeed are from Mars and women from Venus, at least from the way their brains operate! Clearly, the man brain is more logical, while the woman brain is more sensual. The way they can really soak up the details, and unleash them one after the other, against the defenseless menfolk is just so amazing.
The brain is a very complex part of the body to comprehend and more so (is) it’s functioning. Mostly, when you open those extensively large Human Anatomy books, many wish they would just skip the brain section. This is because of the heavy terms that adorn the pages and the use of technical language. Allow us to take you through a simple way of mastering your brain in the simplest manner possible.
What composes the brain? It is composed of three large parts namely forebrain, mid brain and the hindbrain. The front part consists of cerebrum, hypothalamus and thalamus, the middle part has tectum and tegmentum and the rear part of the brain consists of cerebellum, medulla and pons referred to as brain stem.
Cortex or cerebrum is the largest part and is heavily wrinkled to increase its surface area. It is responsible for high brain functioning such as action and thought. It is also divided into two halves right and left hemispheres. The cortex is partitioned into four parts known as lobes with each performing different functions. They are frontal lobe, this involved in movement, emotions, speech management, reasoning and problem solving among others. Secondly, it is the parietal lobe that is associated with the perception of stimuli, recognition and movement. In addition, the occipital lobe that helps in visual processing and temporal lobe that is involved in memory, recognition of auditory stimuli.
Cerebellum is somehow similar to the cortex for it has two hemispheres and folded surface. It is responsible for coordination and regulation of movement and in maintenance of body balance. Another important part of the human brain is the limbic system. It is located within the cortex. It consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdale and hippocampus. Just underneath it lies the brain stem, which is responsible for crucial life functions such as breathing, blood pressure and heartbeat.

Can you answer the questions about the brain?

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