Playing is Learning

Shooting Basketball Hoops

The Lucadev Newsletter
December 31st, 2014


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
Back in 1891, James Naismith invented the game of basketball. Today, it is the most mesmerizing technical games that enthrall millions when the season kicks in. Women watch the game to admire the muscles and the well-exercised frames, while men watch … well, for the love of the game.  Whatever makes you watch, go ahead and enjoy. It is time well-spent.
When it was first played in Massachusetts, US in 1891, not many would have imagined that this game would end up being one of the most played and widely viewed sports today. Played by two teams, basketball may be an indoor or an outdoor sport with a team comprising 10-15 players, but only 5 players on the court. The aim is to shoot the ball through a standard hoop mounted on backboard at both ends of the court. It would be interesting to note that men and women players use different balls in terms of size and weight, with the men’s ball being bigger in diameter and 2 ounces heavier than that of their female counterparts.
Rather than inherent aptitude, it is a sport combining proficiency, technology and reflexes. One should be able to keep their head up during dribbling, be alert during passes, box out during rebounding and make accurate if not exact shots. Basketball goals are of two kinds: there is the field goal worth 2 points if the player is standing closer to the shooting rim than to the 3 point line marked on the court; and there is the famous 3 pointer earning 3 points if the player is standing behind the 3 point line. The team with the higher aggregate score wins the game.
Fouls occur if one carries the ball, doesn’t dribble while moving or holds the ball with two hands. However contrary to common belief, this is not just a game for the tall people. Even shorter agile players are key in playing point guard or shooting guard positions. Jargon there, huh? Bet the only one you knew was dunking and I am not sure it is legal!

Can you shoot hoops?

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