Playing is Learning

The Diseases of the Eye

The Lucadev Newsletter
June 17th, 2015


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
No matter how light-hearted a parent is, no one likes to make a joke when their child is facing eye cancer as really, there is no funny side to that is there? Every parent wants their kid to be ok, but then if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Retinoblastoma is hilarious in a way because it affects only one eye. In the victim, one eye is good and the other is not good. It is called the cat’s eye reflex, though I am afraid there is no cat eye sharpness here and if it is not treated fast, the cancer will definitely spread from the eye to other body parts.
Another eye disease that seems incredibly unfair and creepy is retinopathy. Why creepy? Because it creeps up on you without notice. This is retinopathy. It is mild, but there is nothing mild about this infection because if it is not taken care of fast, it will eventually cause blindness. It’s your business to know the symptoms because you will have to look for them rather than wait for lady luck to smile on you. Sometimes, she just seems to be frowning, you might say.
I know the bills and stuff are worrying you, but I am afraid I still have to add another worry to your plate. The Cytomegalovirus can affect anyone and the sad thing is that you don’t know you have it, well, until you have it! You think the bad news is over? Tough luck, it’s not. If you are affected by the virus, you will retain it even if you manage to treat the infection. Another piece of bad news is that the cytomegalovirus is transferrable through bodily fluids like saliva, semen and even breast milk, If you have it, please keep your distance, you hear?
And now, one bad turn deserves a good turn, the virus doesn’t kill. Yes, you will live, even if you don’t have nine lives like the proverbial cat.

Can you Zoom to a specific disease of the eye?

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